networks etcetera

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification is the leading IT certification in the world. More than 1 million MOS exams are taken every year in over 140 countries. Microsoft Certification is an industry standard that is recognized worldwide
networks etcetera is a Calgary-based, Global provider of computer training. We offer courses in IT Infrastructure, Business Solutions, Software Development and Office applications. Our professional training is delivered by Microsoft Certified Instructors.
We offer both on-line and on-site training at client locations internationally.
Our misson is to equip our students with the skills the technology-driven economy demands though continuing technical education.
networks etcetera Advantages:
The Best Instructors Our Instructors are practicing technology professionals with specialized training backgrounds who bring real-world experience to the classroom.
Complete Certification Preparation With our unmatched blend of certification tracks, delivery methods and value-added resources, you can count on us to help you reach your certifications goals.
Rich Learning Experience Modern equipment, hand-on labs and peer collaboration all contribute to a rich and rewarding learning experience.
Please browse our Course Offerings. Should you have any questions or require more details please contact us at (403) 210-3258.
networks etcetera delivers the premier training our students need to enhance existing skills or learn new ones, while increasing productivity and value in the workplace.
Since 2006 we have been focused on deploying top-notch training professionals and solutions, on demand, to meet each organization’s unique needs.
We are committed to setting very high standards for distance learning and know that the student-teacher interaction is key to our student successes.
Whether you need training for a small group of staff – or need large group training across multiple locations, networks etcetera provides flexibility and convenience with training options to meet your needs.